Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weeks 4 and 5

Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.  ~Plato

Weekly Goals
1500 Calories
33-50 g Fat
150 min. Moderate Exercise

Good news everyone! I've dropped 10lbs. since 1/24 and am back under 200lbs. again! However, this is a weight I usually hit every year. I'm now at what I like to refer to as my "Summer Weight." As in, by mid-summer, I usually weigh this much.  Given that it's the end of February, I am far ahead of my yearly schedule. The key to my success so far has been how close I have monitored my food intake. I eat in a much more regulated (portioned) manner.  If I eat a piece of cake and ice cream (like I did this week), then that caloric intake needs to be accounted for. One thing I didn't anticipate is how much it would prevent me from ordering take out food. It's easier to show self-control when there isn't a mountain of readily accessible food in front of you.  As a result, I do more meal planning to prevent the urge to take the easy road and order take-out for dinner.

This is Ugli Fruit. It's a grapefruit, tangerine, orange hybrid. It's also delicious.
I still see this program as behavioral modification and not as a diet.  For instance, I eat a lot more fruits and vegetables. I haven't done the math, but I may actually be getting the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Another thing I've started to do is to look for turkey cutlets in the store as a way to change up the meal from tofu and chicken without the alternative being red meat.  Giant Eagle now carries Natures Basket turkey cutlets and I was thrilled to see this. I was nudged towards organic food and I've come to prefer it when possible so I was glad to see this as an option. 

I'm already halfway to the program's goal of a 10% body weight reduction (190lbs.).  At the tail end of summer, I tend to hit this so my goal is to get my weight into the 180s.  However, getting there isn't the tricky part.  The tricky part is staying there. I was 179lbs. in 2005, but I inched my way back up (thanks to red solo cups of beer and pastas).  

One last thing.... my dog got a haircut this weekend. Usually, he goes from a fluff ball to a lean gentle giant. I switched him to a much better diet due to food alergies. Combine that with not enough long walks and he's really started to pack on the pounds.  Because my exercise goal will eventually be 300 minutes/week, I'll be doing a LOT more dog walking. I intend to slim down the pup while I'm working on me. I have an alternate goal for pup #2. I intend to refine some of her on-leash manners.

These goals won't be easy to meet, but any goal worth setting should always a challenge.

Weigh-in Weight: 199lbs.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Weeks 2 and 3

Rich, fatty foods are like destiny: they too, shape our ends. ~Author Unknown~

Weekly Goals: 1500 calories, 33-50g fat, 100 minutes of exercise

In week 1, I averaged 1500 calories and 50g fat, but didn't meet the 100 minute exercise goal by 7 minutes. I weighed in at 207.8 on 1/31, a 3 lb loss since last weigh-in.

In week 2, I encountered a few challenges: homemade sushi, an early valentine's day meal, and a super bowl party. Given all the extra foods I averaged 1650 and a little high on fat too. Since I knew the calories were going to be higher, I did two hikes over the weekend and got in 260 minutes of exercise to help offset the food. On the super bowl day, I kept my calorie count way low throughout the day too. I weighed in at 206.4 on 2/7, a 1.2 lb loss since last weigh-in. It had been a little lower before the super bowl happened.

In the weekly meeting, the IDEA people told my group that we were part of the "enhanced" group. That means I'm going to be a part of the group that gets customized text messages and has to wear the BodyMedia Fit armband. However, those interventions will start after the first 6 months are over.

So here's what I learned so far...
  • California Rolls are easy to make and equally easy to snack on too. 
  • Weight Watchers Stuffed Peppers are delicious, nutritious, and only 300 calories.
  • Whiskey has 65 calories per ounce.
  • IPA beers have 220 calories, Pale ales have 120. PBR has 150!
  • Arnolds Pocket Thins Pita is only 100 calories like the Deli Flats I typically use it.  I like sandwiches for lunch, but not eating 200 calories only from bread.
  • If I don't go back and eat seconds, then I hit 1500 calories without having to change too much of what I already eat.
  • My scale isn't 2.5 lbs over like I always thought.  It's actually pretty accurate. Doh!
  • MyFitnessPal is really easy to use.
  • The first 5 lbs of weight loss if primarily water weight.
  • You CAN eat out, but you have to eat about a third of the portion sizes to keep your calories where you need to be.
  • I can cut out pop, but it's still good to have once in a while.
  • Cold water fish has more calories and cholesterol than I ever realized.
  • You can drop 1 lb overnight.  Just donate blood, but don't expect to exercise without almost fainting.